
Comment Relish Plugin + High CPU Usage – Fixed The Right Way

How The Problem Started Christmas Eve have just started at about 12:03 AM, when I logged on and saw that dreaded message: Your Account Has Exceeded Its CPU Quota So I did what all normal people do at first: I ignored it. Actually, I had a very good reason to at the time. Since it was 12:03 AM, I assumed that my nightly backup job (backup and compress files and databases) was causing the issue.

WordPress 2.5 – The Vista of Blog Platforms

So it’s been about a weeks since it was out, so I figure, why not? After all I have the WordPress Automatic Upgrade plugin, so this should be a breeze. Now this plugin makes upgrading WordPress ridiculously simple. It handles file backups, database backups, deactivating and reactivating all plugins, etc. So I go through the process and I’m not totally disappointed. There were the normal problems we have with all upgrades and some new ones:

Yay! WordPress 2.5. Almost Perfect

Now I don’t have to tell you guys about all the goodies that WordPress 2.5 brings, but I’ll name a few anyways: New fresh Admin theme Nice Dashboard You can modify the link for “Incoming Links”. Technorati anyone? Finally included Tag Management Concurrent Post Editing Protection One Click Plugin upgrades. Oh yes. It’s about time. Built in Gallery Nice Flash Media Uploader There’s just ONE thing that rubs me the wrong way.