Arrays to MySQL Dates and Back

Just in case you ever need to do this Arrays to MySQL dates and back. Simple conversion functions to change MySQL dates to arrays, arrays to MySQL dates.

WebTTY – Terminal Emulator

WebTTY is an interesting package. During my internship I actually had to do something like this. My employer didn’t appreciate a pre-packaged solution though, so I had to produce all the code myself.[ ]1 The WebTTY package allows any Linux terminal processes to be controlled in a text area HTML element on a webpage. The output from the server process is collected on server side, and is send to a text area element.

Foundation for an Extensible Website Engine with PHP 5

When developing production sites for clients with little/no HTML experience this is a must. If your web contract does not include maintenance fees, then this is something that you simply must do in order to have your users freely update their websites. It’s a structure which is simple enough to develop and implement. Alejandro Gervasio at DevShed writes: Setting up the Foundation for an Extensible Website Engine with PHP 5